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The School We Never Had…

What School Did You Use to Create Your Outer Mind Toolbox? Isn’t it a bit odd that we all went from math to science to history to language, but somehow missed the class on how to live? Why don’t our schools teach children to have social skills in dealing with other people, the world’s problems, caring and sharing, or being self-sufficient, non-violent, nonjudgmental, or enjoying the simple pleasures of being a healthy, happy, and loving human being? I have wondered about this myself.

What tools would be in your treasure chest/toolbox of skills, knowledge, emotions, and responses if your curriculum was lacking in the science and art of Knowledge, Breath, Simplicity, and Environment? How can you manifest the Experience of your basic human rights to be healthy, happy, and loving if you haven’t been taught? We all have to learn to be human again. This the Experience of The Simple Solution!

The answer and Experience is why I have written THE SIMPLE SOLUTION book, but this is just the beginning! I wish to create the Quality of Life Family and Community Transformation Center, a non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian organization to teach us the classes in life that haven’t been available before. My concept is for 10-20 families, a community, to come together for a one-week, one-month, or even a once-a-year vacation to “Experience” fun activities, live simply, “caring and sharing” in a natural environment. In one week, you may realize “who you really are”, “where you come from”, “what your basic needs are”, what your human rights are”, and “what is your true purpose of life”.

            I ask you, in all candidness, after reading The Simple Solution!—what was your purpose at the beginning of this book, and has it changed or transformed with the information in these pages? Do you believe and agree that it is your human right to be healthy, happy, and loving? Do you want to be a role model in your community to transform society, nations, and the world?

Your basic human needs are: Mindful breathing of Oxygen, clean water, nutritional organic food, physical activity, and energy from sunlight. It’s just that Simple!

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